Senin, 04 April 2011

Sports With Find Money

Let's CASUAL SPORTS FIND MONEY again there is no job that'll provide results and a lot of obstacles everywhere nah I think the most suitable and asiknya Playing billiards
There are little tips that do not play billiards summarized from the primeval This article certainly far from perfect because this paper without any reference only exercise I get from my 

FEET 1. Leg stretches approximately one-step 2. Pedestal body behind the right foot fit in the ass 3. Position your back foot facing straight ahead 4. Do not do exercise when horses were not perfect
Right foot: 1. Straight strong and do not bend
Left foot: 1. Bent like the horses and pull backward to follow toehold in the body in the ass right foot

AGENCY 1. Dorsal body perpendicular 2. Tidurkan body adjusts to the flat stick 3. The position of the chin should be stuck with the club head 4. It should not be the slightest movement except the right hand 5. Locking the body when the execution 6. After the execution a moment let your body sculpting min 2 sec
HANDS Right Hand: 1. Straighten your arms stick with the hand 2. Straight fist position with your hands 3. Arm raised as high until the muscle feels 4. Relax your hands to grip and pulled her to advance los pullback sticks 5. In the swing should not be too deep or too advanced. Arm do not fall and also not to be rocking when pushing the ball 6. When the stick touched the ball right-hand try not to tighten (often)
Left hand: 1. The palm of the hand must be in place so that a solid shirt and not rocking 2. Do not be too far away lies between the left hand with a white ball, about one inch of 3. Strong hand tighten 4. Kedalem twist your arm at the elbow joints are few and small. Or hand not too straight 5. Holding the stick or sticks should not be rocking out swing path 6. Do not let go of the stick from a direct hand (stick remains in the hand after the execution) 

Club 1. Navigate to the flat stick 2. Do menungging if not forced 3. Try to always stable when pushing the ball 4. Stop half-inch from a distance of white ball after execution 5. After the execution, sticks straight line with a white ball the target point (often the case, the sticks out of the groove a swing at the target point of the white ball) 6. Completed execution, sticks must stop (min 1 sec) in front do not directly draw
Swing 1. Rocking for stick straight and steady back and forth 2. Do swing tempo or rhythmic 3. Do not be too quick mengayunnya (enjoy swing, swing once paused in front of a white ball, about ½ second) 4. Swing farthest distance not too far from the white ball (about one inch) 5. Try to swing the closest distance (tip steak) with white balls swing as close as possible when 6. In the swing of at least 4 times 7. Pause (1 second) near the white ball after swinging to measure or look for shooting position (at the time of execution) 8. After stopping and then withdrawn slowly and push the white ball (the execution) 9. Speed ​​during execution (in boosting) do not be too tight (do not bet or hitch) 10. Swing with confidence, creating a sense of sharp and accurate 11. Swings only to position the right hand bracket 90 ˚
TOUCH 1. Do not beaten but encouraged (again well dididorong .... ... .. Driven driven) 2. Feel that the right hand while pushing forward 3. For any type of stroke, such as effects, tracks, door and so tetep should be encouraged. Why ...? so as not to flinch or cause power absorbers. 4. Try to feel the time "mengenut" ball 5. Speed ​​during execution (in boosting) do not be too tight (do not bet or hitch) CASUAL SPORTS place FIND MONEY
EXECUTION 1. After a pause near the ball swing and then pull the stick not long-term and driven forward 2. Try no power absorbers. often occurs because the speed is too fast or faster when pushing the ball (the execution), so must it slowly to avoid the occurrence of the shock (the indicator stick swing is still visible with the eye) 3. The position must not stick shifts (straight) 4. Use the power of touch when the tip sticks to see a white ball 5. Pushing the ball with confidence and courage
EYE 1. Look at the end of the stick, the white target ball, the ball target, the hole. 2. Mandatory dicemati views (imagine an imaginary line or groove running the ball), foundation, sticks 3. Eyes should be wide open and do not blink 4. Mengepaskan entry points between the white ball and ball target 3 times. 5. Execution is key to focus the eye on the ball target
further on my blog oh yes please copy and paste that in the name of the author's love yah may be useful for CASUAL SPORTS FIND MONEY. 

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Billiard Business Opening

OPENING BUSINESS Billiard billiard business you want to set up, before you try to build businesses saw about billing by the billing game billiard games billiard memanajemn the ease of cash flow can be in control with a good billing system for games billiar truly unique gaming billing system will track every transaction in doing and with the billing system so the game can be sure your employees can not manipulate Billiard Business Opening 

with billing the game so much ease in getting from people who do not use the billing game and billiard games secure billing system and its easy to use.
Actually how the workings of the game of billiards why the billing system can assist you in its recording of transactions, whether the game of billiards billing system is useful?
Let us see below about the game billiar also billing system that became the game's billing system, and whether the billing system can rely on billiard games /

Cashier Billiard billing system and automated lighting control desk - Billiard and table lamp control automatic billing program is designed for ease of billiards in the billiard job. Billing program is equipped with lighting controls, so that the lights on and off is controlled fully automated billing system. In this way unused tables will not light, so that employees can not manipulate the transaction, because they could not turn on the lights as this will promote your manual.Dan Business Opens Billiard

Software facilities:
1. Billing Timer: Claims based on the length of time. Computers calculate the bill to the consumer based on the long game. After the consumer is finished playing, the cashier turned off the light pool table via software and print the notes to the printer to indicate the total bill to consumers.
2. Billing fixed timer: players can book to the cashier for the software to stop the game after a certain time eg 1 hour, 2 hours and so on. billiard table lights off automatically after the timeout. before time runs out there is a sign of blinking lights as a warning that time is running out, so consumers can make decisions for meperpanjang or finish the game.
3. Billing Cafe: When customers play their order food and drinks. Through this order the software is recorded. when consumers are finished playing bills Cafe and rental receivables pool table made in one nota.karena OPENING BILLIARD BUSINESS Software also can serve cafe sales for the visitors who did not play billiards. Sale of Stock items automatically reduces Cafe
4. Cafe Print orders: Orders can be printed directly to a printer that is in the kitchen / chef, this way facilitate the delivery of the order to the Food and Beverages.
5. Reports: Reports can be viewed perkasir, per day, per a certain date, as of the periods of the date, week, month or year.
6. Recap: report earnings a pool table can be seen directly, so that can know the table of the most often used and seldom used.
7. Reports can be exported in Microsoft Excel format. making it easier to create reports.
8. Reports detail Cafe: cafe sales report, the menu can be seen most in the message. Cafe sales report daily, weekly etc. 

9. Bonus calculation based on the old waitress service at the pool table and cafe service orders.
10 Report Cafe stock: stock that can be seen empty or running low
11. Profit Cafe based on purchase price and selling price.
12. Ligth Refresh: in case of sudden power failure, and electric flame back billiard table lamp can be switched on again in accordance with the latest conditions in the computer cash register. lights that were previously dead will remain dead and that the previous table lamp lights will be lit by the computer.
13. Data Backup: Backup data is done simply by pressing the backup button, and your data is safe.


14. Software support network systems, so that the input data and recap reports etc.

Find out more about
Opening Billiard business. Enterprises to open billiards room, open billiards, billiard business, Open business Open Another Billiard, Billiard busines

Understanding Reading Biliard

Understanding Reading Biliard
Pool man, who likes to play the kind familiar to players of the line used to run the ball probably already common. Here are some basic features that are used to playing a lot of pool:

1. Ball Stop
Weirdo (white balls) was intended to hit the target ball, or a minimum, at least the movement stops when the ball goal. White ball, if a straight line on the target ball and the hole may cause the ball down the perfect situation.
This movement is accomplished by pressing the ball right in the middle of the ball. The shot is relatively easy to learn. This is the first to learn to play my first understanding of the pool 

2. Angular Contact Ball
Eccentric target after hitting the ball, hitting it aimed to move forward. This movement is accomplished by pressing the top of the white ball. Beginners are usually for players playing well for the first time, this type of stroke, because anyone can be carried out, often without being aware of when reading, I like blow.
3. Buck Ball
Aka "ESN-track" in the case of eccentric setalh blows aimed at reducing the people of Indonesia to strike the target ball. From the type of racing is done by pressing the white ball, and the following contrast, has beaten six points in common. 
Understanding Reading Biliard, trying to usually right after you practice the move was not so difficult, so the move is rather difficult for beginners. Perhaps the difficulty in firing long-range punch when shot usually occurs.

4. Forbidden reflection
The house is the term used to hit the ball so effectively. This can make the ball do not conform to a mobile phone on the road.  your order, you can have more value if you use the house met the angle of reflection from a legal standpoint, the white ball, in order to get a good position for next shot players to represent operations.
5. Move the ball
Kyuborujanpu technology, so the ball does not block the path to the eccentric target. By pressing a special white ball results in Laeken reaction gave it to hit the ball moves upward to the ball (stick) and implementation queue.I shot almost never done, unless forced, jumpshot to use, it is possible to force the ball to the target.
6. BananaCheck the white ball moves the curve. Normal ball, some / UNDERSTANDING READING BILLIARD ball lain.inila used when the target is blocked by means of
The rest is a variation of more shots. Not affect the ball differently than the same point, it will generate the kind of stroke. Frequent practice is the key. When you run the various technics punch more often feeling is polite.
Billiards in the necessary skills and techniques are also certain to play, which can generate the perfect punch.
In this case, write a simple trick to play pool with some basic techniques?
Hand position parameters
1. The weakness of the right grip to ensure that the condition seek to manage the pool area used to stick a comfortable position.2. Efforts to hold the position of the square and hold hands and comes with a pool table.3. That the position of the fist and outstretched arm.4. Or try your hand while holding the ball, Do not swing the arm down.5.mengayunkan tense moment to push the ball too long, not hand.

1. White ball, about 20 to 30 cm do not ship puts his left hand.2. Position, the back of the hand of his firm and solid base is the perfect table tagan tread.3. Do not shake or have the base of the stick out of hand.4. Do not hurry 後棒 hand touched the ball.
Understand that belong to the starting position of the foot billiards
1. Position of the foot stretched in a single step.2. Weight of the pile left hip.3. I try to go straight to place your feet.4. Right leg and foot position to form the shape of a horse to back, left leg folded to form a horse.

Regulatory Agency Location
1. Body back upright.2. Place the bar to adjust the alignment of your body3. Position of the head near the chin parallel to the stick4. Body position while holding the ball, unless the right end of the pool stick, do not move.5. Press the ball, the position of the body remains motionless for a while.
Billiard stick location
1. Parallel to the pool table comes with a flat bar to move please.2. The effort comes with Sada Yasushi billiard balls and press time.3. Secure the pool of swing half-inch white ball away after stopping the race is finished.4. When you intend to push the ball to please maintain the position of the right sleeve / white target ball is the point of the ball.5. After the punch, we need to stop with the last pool that is not withdrawn immediately.
The swing arm Biliard Stik /
1. Efforts to erect a swing arm equipped with a stable front to back.2. Until you feel satisfied and swing tempo run, pool bar rhythmic arm, right / If it is on target ball.3. Please try to swing at a slow tempo with full concentration.4. White ball about 7 cm distance (30 cm) will swing too far from.5. Swing pool stick, at least 3 times.6. And measurement, while close to the white ball after swinging to find the best position to fire, stop the swing.7. Too (do not bet or broken), pushing the ball may be made tight with confidence.8.batasi 90 swings just to put the right bracket. ˚
Blow the pool / game to understand Pusshupurei1. , Push the stick forward and pull gently until the cue ball, please try to stop bar near the turn of the ball.2. Please do not push the ball when the shock.3. Missed the white ball must be exact position of the stick shall not.4. Resources, the ball touches the tip of cue club meeting when you use steadily.5. Do not roll on the ball with confidence and concentration.
Hopefully helpful criticism, to understand and fully inclusive for this article useful suggestions and
UNDERSTANDING READING BILLIARD quite a beginner that I'm hoping you wish you is for